Friday, December 4, 2015

Our generation

Our generation

With me a generation was born
That would grow with me
And all others- elder or younger,
Would it critically see!
And this generation was
‘Giant robot, Different Strokes’ generation
Black and white TVs
Larger than life dreams
Good to be a perfectionist
Right was right and
Wrong was wrong
Because that is what
Was right or was wrong!

Then came coloured Tvs,
Beautiful sets of Yash Chopra Movies
Good looking was right
And ugly was wrong
And the western influence increased
Rock became heavy metal
Disco into beach dance
For ‘MTV generation’
Novel was right and
Conventional wrong!

Technology advanced further
FM became available
‘computer generation’ set in
Fast was right and slow wrong
And then mobile phone,
The harbinger of technology revolution,
Mobile became answer
To all that was needed
And the mobile generation
Changed to hands free
And handsfree to ‘SMS generation’
SMS – the nemesis
Nothing is right and nothing wrong
Objectivity increased,
Acceptability increased,
What you like is right
What you don’t wrong
Fine to be gay
And gay to be fine
Wives can be swapped
And your husband
Is equally mine!
Then came social media
Whatsapp, twitter and facebook,
The age of global connection,
People spend more time
Connected to their childhood friend
Across seven seas
Than their family
Across the dining table!

Times come and times go
They are better and worse
Than all other times
But ‘our generation’
The one where we spent
Our childhood

Remains the best for us!

My wife – An incomplete ode!

My wife – An incomplete ode!

I and my wife have a strange relationship, like that of any other married couple! Both of us have one leg tied to each other so we have to walk the same path. When one person wants to run out of this path, the other doesn’t let him or her do it. If one wants to stop or run fast, the other doesn’t let it happen. We end up walking the same path steadily, and although we have not reached where we think we could have but when we look back, we do seem to have covered some distance.
My wife has never been interested in symbolic gossip. She doesn’t converse in similes. She doesn’t take indirect taunts well and she criticizes directly. She does not talk of her dreams; she talks of what’s possible today. She believes in talking only about things we can make effort to happen. She does not believe in enumerating one’s own negative qualities or deeds, she does not crib over spilt milk. She does not talk about goals that could not be achieved. She does not even take blame for them and glorify them. I do all that!’
She is a mentally hard working person. She plans hard to achieve what she wants. She considers that most of the things can be done until unless proved otherwise. She puts in all the effort to make it happen. She can use and mobilize her few resources to achieve what she thinks she should. She does not believe in keeping her resources reserve till they become redundant. Failure does not affect her for long.
Mostly, what she lacks is confidence. She is easily scared but is ready to fight with all the fear. She does not have that much faith in God that I have and that is why she likes to take the responsibility of doing things herself. She is stubborn but that is where her strength to pursue comes from.
She is edgy about people’s opinion but likes to go her own way.

I am yet to understand her more!

आघात या घात का तात्पर्य

 घात - 'घात' शब्द अनेकों रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है! इसका एक सामान्य अर्थ होता है 'छुप कर वार करना'। घात शब्द का गणित में प...