Thursday, January 29, 2015

The effect!

I was returning from work bit early that day. Some daylight was still there. The long stretch of road, where I daily struggled with the traffic and traffic signals, seemed like a sea-shore. Some vehicles were there but they felt like company rather than competition. The weather was lovely. My speedometer seemed to be happy about reaching almost my age, it was used to behaving half as much routinely. Our city is quite clean, quiet and green, I realized that day. I was tranquil. It was then that I saw this big orange light from my windshield, as if telling me to stop. I obliged! Even this was looking beautiful. I was blissful. Others seemed to be in a hurry, nobody stopped. The city is in a hurry to catch the day before it nights, and catch the night before it days, I thought. Why can't we just enjoy the days and the nights, the mornings and the evenings, as I was doing at that time? I was enchanted! With time, the light turned red. It was splendid! I was soaked in the charm of the view. I was oblivious! People were honking behind me. I was unfazed and waited for the light to turn. It dissolved but never turned green! Gently, the day had retired in the arms of night! Sun had set, I realized. I apologized with a smile on my face to the people behind me for holding them. I was smiling at my insanity. Nature had exhibited it's wonderful show for me. I was gleeful. My day and night were made!
I had met you that day!!

Me & you!

I was there only
at the square one,
being nice,
talking to everyone,
You came
coyly giggling
"would you like to help me?"
I was tentative,
as though saying
"I don't know"
You gauged it,
"oh! I am having problems
on my way,
can you sort them"
"I have never gone this way,
but, may be I can try"
I said!
We were going together
on your way,
you were telling me,
I was listening!
the bonhomie
was beginning
I felt,
I felt you were enjoying
my annotations,
we just kept walking,
all was well,
I had been anticipating
problems now,
but I couldn't see any,
I hung on
and on
but finally
I asked,
"where's the problem?"
you stopped,
opened your bag
and showed me
a mirror,
"that's the problem!"

and this
has happened every time
I have tried to help,
makes me think
"oh so I am the problem!"
but then
I can't be the solution as well
but somehow
I can't believe it,
I believe
You don't have a problem,
you are the problem!

but still
can't say 'adieu'
that's me
that's me & you!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

An insight

Between me and my insight,
my thoughts are the interface.
A new one, many a times
brings a smile on my face!
Like revelations,
realizations dawn on me,
as if a message of God
in my own words,
like a cloak
bestowed upon me!

I pine to talk to you,
as I know that brings peace to me
the thoughts in disarray
are harmonized
like beads of a rosary

but I wait,
I wait for your call
rather than reaching out to you
I silently follow
because when I approach
if I make the call,
somehow the yoke
is hollow

why this happens
is not known to me,
it fructifies, only when you sprout
why the connection gets made
only when you stretch out

sometimes I wait & wait,
I need to talk to you,
but you don't call,
that's when
to my anguish
I fall,
I get bitter
I writhe in agony
addicted to your remedy

but you won't call
you won't heed
the blame is on you
not on my dependence,
neither my need,
not even on my thought
it is just an interface,
the blame is on you,
my insight,
you are my God!

Do call me sometime,
to establish,
the connection so sublime!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

अशाब्दिक सम्बन्ध

अशाब्दिक सम्बन्ध 

ये नहीं कि मैं अनभिज्ञ था,
भावनायों से तुम्हारी,
किन्तु असंतोष मेरा अधिज्य था,
अकर्मण्यता पर तुम्हारी,
केवल इच्छायें पर्याप्त नहीं होतीं,
मात्र आकांक्षायों से विजय प्राप्त नहीं होती,
उसी प्रकार संबंधों में भी शब्द-प्राण अनिवार्य हैं,
बिना प्रत्यंचा के धनुष में टंकार नहीं होती,
जानता हूँ कि तुम्हारी भावशून्यता में
भावों का अभाव नहीं
किन्तु बिना शब्दों के
भावों का कोई प्रभाव नहीं

 धारणा ऐसी थी मेरी
किन्तु अनायास ही मति मेरी फिरी
अपनी ही एक बात जब कंठ से तुम्हारे सुनी
उस अभिज्ञान से आस्था हो गयी दोगुनी
कितना सुभग ये सम्बन्ध है
व्याख्या की आवश्यकता हो
नहीं ऐसा अनुबंध है
प्रीत को रीत बाध्य नहीं
मूक प्राणियों में भी स्नेह असाध्य नहीं!

आघात या घात का तात्पर्य

 घात - 'घात' शब्द अनेकों रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है! इसका एक सामान्य अर्थ होता है 'छुप कर वार करना'। घात शब्द का गणित में प...