Friday, January 3, 2020

Health tips for winters

What to do for a healthier winter season!

A. Clothing: Keep yourself well-covered. Layered clothing is preferable as it remains light yet traps  warm air in between layers of clothes. The thinnest and lighter clothes should be worn inside and thicker ones outside.  In winters our body diverts blood from cold peripheral parts to vital internal organs. Wearing gloves or mittens, socks and cap to cover exposed areas helps body in maintaining body temperature. It is especially important in people who may have impaired sensations due to damage to nerves as they may not feel the cold or soreness and may suffer greater degree of damage. In times of high precipitation like rainfall or snowfall, one should wear outerwear that is waterproof and not let the clothes be damp.

B. Maintaining warm ambiance: Elderly and young children should avoid venturing outdoors in extremes of cold. It is preferable to go for a walk when the dew has dried. Closed doors and windows prevent cold drought of air from cooling the inside temperature. Curtains not only stop airflow from in between the jamb and doors but also create another layer of partition and prevent the air circulating in room to come in direct contact with cold window panes.
Rooms can be heated by a well ventilated fire-place with its dedicated chimney to reduce air pollution. Care should be taken to use only dry wood or coal as damp fuel causes more pollution and less heat. The room where fire is being burned should be well ventilated to prevent accumulation of gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO). CO is poisonous and is colorless and odorless. It can lead to symptoms of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting etc.
Three types of heaters are available like hot air blowers, radiation heaters like halogen or carbon rod heaters and oil heaters. The air in winters is dry because cold air can hold less moisture. When this cold air is heated, though it becomes warm and rarefied, it remains dry. To reduce dryness caused by heaters, a container with wide mouth filled with water can be kept in room. Steam also humidifies the air and keeps the room warm. Oil heaters cause less drying up but are expensive.
Over heating the room should be avoided not only to conserve energy and reduce pollution but also to avoid drying up of mucus layer of our respiratory tract. Drying up of secretions and cracking up of the respiratory layer and skin allows the bacteria and viruses present in the air and on surface to enter the body and cause infection.

C. Maintaining Hygiene:  In winters, poor ventilation, huddling together, lack of sunshine and dampness favours microbes like flu viruses to persist, grow and get transferred from one to another. That is why winters are also called Flu season. Dampness and cold climates also help in growth of indoor mold. So, it is important to maintain hygiene in winters by frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes and avoiding touching mouth and nose repeatedly. It is essential to take bath regularly and change clothes. Water should be warm and not too hot. Hot showers should be reduced to less than 10-15 minutes so that the oil layer on skin that prevents loss of moisture is not lost. Using moisturizers and oils helps in maintaining healthy skin.

D. Diet: It is important to maintain hydration in winters to prevent drying up of our respiratory lining and skin. Excess of drinks like coffee and tea that cause repeated urination should be avoided. Home made soups are better than ready made premixes as they contain high sodium content that can raise the blood pressure. Risks associated with alcohol intake outweigh any benefits. The warmth generated by alcohol is quickly dissipated as it causes widening of blood vessels in our skin.
It is best to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables to maintain nutrition. Dry fruits in moderate quantities are also beneficial. While energy requirement may be higher in winters to maintain body temperature, too much of calorie dense foods like sugar and chocolates should be avoided.

E. Sleep & Exercise : It is essential to take adequate quantity of sleep that usually is 7-9 hrs per day. However, longer nights and lack of sunshine can lead to season associated mood disorder. Therefore, exposing oneself to whatever sunshine is available prevents development of winter blues. Exercise also helps in keeping one fit and elevating mood. While heavy outdoor exercise should be avoided to prevent too much strain on heart, light indoor exercises can be helpful in maintaining activity level.

F. Medication and Vaccination: Those who have chronic illness must take medicines regularly. Some patients of asthma may need to increase the dose of their medication besides avoiding direct exposure to cold air. They should also take measures to check any growth of mold. Presence of contaminated heavy upholstery, especially if it gets wet can be harmful. Vacuum cleaning can be helpful in keeping surrounding clean and reducing allergen load. Elderly people and patients with chronic ailments must take their scheduled influenza and pneumococcal vaccines before the onset of winters.

Keeping oneself updated with the information about weather as available through various media helps us being prepared to enjoy the winters most. The requirements for different individuals vary and we should take measures that suit us best, however the aim should be to make oneself comfortable and avoid overindulgence.

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