Sunday, July 10, 2016

Let them tell!

Why is it so important to tell? Why do we need to speak out what happened and how we felt? Why do we have a strong urge to share our experience?
May be because we feel something extraordinary has happened and we must share it with others or sometimes it has such a feel-good factor that we want it to linger on or resonate. We want the pleasure that we got to keep dripping. In that attempt, we usurp on others time, mostly without realizing it or sometimes the urge is so overwhelming that we do it in spite of knowing that we may be stretching beyond our limits. We just can not deny the pleasure of being heard. But are we being really heard?? Mostly no! As most of the times most of the people just want to speak and be heard rather than vice-versa. The question arises, is it really so bad?
Isn't it that the person whom we are annoying or offending wants to do very much the same as we want, may be to a lesser extent!!
However, relations are bridged on the cartilage of ear pinna rather than catenary of lips! Life teaches us that we can earn more by lending our ears than by borrowing others time. We have to develop the skill to steal time from the clutches of daily routine to make life more meaningful for ourselves as well as others!

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आघात या घात का तात्पर्य

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