Friday, January 13, 2023

Question of happiness


There was never a pursuit of happiness,

there was happiness!

I was happy living for my small things

never dying for big things.

Then I was told

how small I was

with nothing big,

not even trying,

living a wasted life

in my comfort zone!

Is the life's purpose only to be happy?

or is it to achieve much??

or to make other's life happy?

does achievement necessarily come at the cost of happiness?

are both mutually exclusive?

can a balance be struck?

how does one know when the balance is struck?

Does achievement give happiness?

What happens during the pursuit of achievement?

Does one remain happy during that time?

would one never be happy if he fails?

Or should one always be happy even while trying to achieve?

Is that possible? Is that always possible??

Should one not try for the fear of failure??

........ and there are more questions....

but ain't the answer to all only one and simple?

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