Friday, December 4, 2015

Our generation

Our generation

With me a generation was born
That would grow with me
And all others- elder or younger,
Would it critically see!
And this generation was
‘Giant robot, Different Strokes’ generation
Black and white TVs
Larger than life dreams
Good to be a perfectionist
Right was right and
Wrong was wrong
Because that is what
Was right or was wrong!

Then came coloured Tvs,
Beautiful sets of Yash Chopra Movies
Good looking was right
And ugly was wrong
And the western influence increased
Rock became heavy metal
Disco into beach dance
For ‘MTV generation’
Novel was right and
Conventional wrong!

Technology advanced further
FM became available
‘computer generation’ set in
Fast was right and slow wrong
And then mobile phone,
The harbinger of technology revolution,
Mobile became answer
To all that was needed
And the mobile generation
Changed to hands free
And handsfree to ‘SMS generation’
SMS – the nemesis
Nothing is right and nothing wrong
Objectivity increased,
Acceptability increased,
What you like is right
What you don’t wrong
Fine to be gay
And gay to be fine
Wives can be swapped
And your husband
Is equally mine!
Then came social media
Whatsapp, twitter and facebook,
The age of global connection,
People spend more time
Connected to their childhood friend
Across seven seas
Than their family
Across the dining table!

Times come and times go
They are better and worse
Than all other times
But ‘our generation’
The one where we spent
Our childhood

Remains the best for us!

My wife – An incomplete ode!

My wife – An incomplete ode!

I and my wife have a strange relationship, like that of any other married couple! Both of us have one leg tied to each other so we have to walk the same path. When one person wants to run out of this path, the other doesn’t let him or her do it. If one wants to stop or run fast, the other doesn’t let it happen. We end up walking the same path steadily, and although we have not reached where we think we could have but when we look back, we do seem to have covered some distance.
My wife has never been interested in symbolic gossip. She doesn’t converse in similes. She doesn’t take indirect taunts well and she criticizes directly. She does not talk of her dreams; she talks of what’s possible today. She believes in talking only about things we can make effort to happen. She does not believe in enumerating one’s own negative qualities or deeds, she does not crib over spilt milk. She does not talk about goals that could not be achieved. She does not even take blame for them and glorify them. I do all that!’
She is a mentally hard working person. She plans hard to achieve what she wants. She considers that most of the things can be done until unless proved otherwise. She puts in all the effort to make it happen. She can use and mobilize her few resources to achieve what she thinks she should. She does not believe in keeping her resources reserve till they become redundant. Failure does not affect her for long.
Mostly, what she lacks is confidence. She is easily scared but is ready to fight with all the fear. She does not have that much faith in God that I have and that is why she likes to take the responsibility of doing things herself. She is stubborn but that is where her strength to pursue comes from.
She is edgy about people’s opinion but likes to go her own way.

I am yet to understand her more!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

शुक्रिया ऐ दोस्त!

शुक्रिया ऐ दोस्त!

आज मेरी महफ़िल में तुम भी थे
फिर उमड़ आये वो दिन बीते!

आज जब मैं ग़ज़ल पड़ रहा था
तो तुम्हारे माथे की शिकन में
तुम्हारी भावनाएं भी पड़ रहा था!

तुम उनके साथ आये
जैसे एक जिस्म दो साये,
तुमने उन्हें देख मुझे देखा
और फिर उन्हें देखा
मानो मेरा तआरुफ़ उनसे करवाया!
और फिर तुम्हारी हलकी सी हँसी
मानो पूछ रही थी
"हैँ न तुमसे हसीं ?"
फिर खो गयी तुम्हारी मुस्कान कहीं,
पूछती "क्या थी मुझमें कमी?"

तुम्हें मेरे शेर पसंद थे
पर मुझे भी अपने शेर ही अज़ीज़ थे
क्या मुशायरों में मिली दाद
से तुम्हारा पेट भरता?
क्या रोज़ वही सफ़ेद कुर्ता -पायजामा
तुम्हारी ज़िन्दगी को बेरंग न करता?
न सोचते क्या सिला मिला मेरी यारी का?
इंतज़ार कभी महफ़िलों के ख़त्म होने का
कभी उनकी तैयारी का!
क्या तुम रोज़ मेरा इंतज़ार कर
ऊब न जाते?
क्या तुम मायूसी के समन्दर
में डूब न जाते?

वो लोगों से मिलना
तोहफे देना, उपहार पाना
वो गाड़ियों में घूमना
वो सपनों को चूमना
वो गहनों की चमक
तुम्हारे बदन पर
उनकी सितारों सी झलक
वो तुम्हारा श्रृंगार करना
गर कोई उसे निहारने को न होता ?
क्या तुम सिर्फ मेरे अशआरों से मिले
उस क्षणिक आनंद
को ज़िन्दगी भर चबा पाते
या ग़म का सागर बन
मेरे फ़न को उसमें डुबोते?

आज तुम इतरा रहे थे
मुझे तालियाँ मिलने पर
उनकी बाँहों में समा रहे थे
पर मैं भी मन ही मन
मुस्कुरा रहा था
चाहे कोई कोशिश कर
मुझे चिढ़ा रहा था
पर एक बात और है
बताने को तुम्हें,
तुम जिसे मेरा रकीब
समझ रहे हो
उसका मुझ पर क़र्ज़ है
जो निभाना था मुझे
निभाया उसने वो फ़र्ज़ है,
दिए उसने तुम्हें वो लुत्फ़ सारे
जिनके लिए थे तुम मेरे आसरे
और मेरी वो आख़री ग़ज़ल
"खुद ने हम दोनों को
तुम्हें बख़्शा है..... "
उन्हीं की नज़र थी,
जिस तरह तुम्हें फक्र है
उनका होकर
मुझे भी नाज़ है उनके होने पर
ज्यों तुम्हारी हँसी का ज़िम्मा है उन पर
मेरा सुख भी उनका शुक्रगुज़ार है !

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

सन्देश एक तारे का

सन्देश एक तारे का 

एक तारा ज़मीं पर छिटक गया
ऎसा तेज, न देखा, न सुना
सब रोशन हो गया
सब दिखने लगा
छुपने को कहीं
अन्धकार न रहा,
सब स्पष्ट नज़र आने लगा,
अँधेरे डर गए!
अंधेरों ने कहा 'घेर लो'
पर उसकी उल्काएँ फैलने लगीं,
एक घमासान हुआ
अंधेरों ने अपनी जीत घोषित की
तारा अपनी जगह लौट गया
पर कुछ चिंगारियाँ
अब भी वहाँ सुलग रहीं हैं,
तारा अब भी देख रहा है,
मनो सन्देश भेज रहा है
"तुम शमा बन
जहाँ को रोशन करो,
अंधेरों को भी रोशन करो,
बस जंगल की आग न बनना,
अंधेरों का जन्म
आग से ही होता है!!" 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Swine Flu!

Swine Flu!

Swine flu, swine flu!
but how?
I had heard
that should be bird
and bird flew,
that was okay
but swine flew??

Swine flew from America to India,
In America they have pigs who fly,
visa no problem, money no problem,
they board the plane with bow & tie,
with open arms we welcomed
plane loads of American pigs
and we don't differentiate
American from Indian Pigs,
Pigs are Pigs!

Swine Flu!
sounds as if I just sweared,
for the problems it is causing
I shall call this flu
well! Swine Flu!

Swine flu, Swine flu,
don't hug, don't kiss,
do not even shake hands
be three feet away from each other
but we are warm people
how can we do that
and not clean our noses
on other's shirt,
Can cars get Swine flu?
If we could teach them
or make them scared
may be our traffic chaos
would be spared!

Swine Flu,
an imported disease
disease of elite,
appropriately only they got it
but how could they swallow that
scared to die
they gave it to common man
who is more supposed to die!

Swine Flu!
but I never ate pigs,
I am vegetarian,
I eat only human beings,
those ones who are vegetables
those who don't have brains
are idiots!
I never touched Pigs,
Animals are dirty,
Okay, at least change the name,
don't label me "Swine Flu"
call it Lion Flu or swan Flu
or anything but not swine Flu,
H1N1 sounds fine,
I have always loved number one
but give the medicine to me
and keep it in stock
for my children
and in reserve for my grand children,
but don't give it to pigs
or to humans who are no better than Pigs
and please remove the side effects
and yes, I can pay for it!
make it expensive
so that poor can't buy
we need to control our population!
But yes, give it to my watchman,
my cook, my servant, my washer-man,
my driver, my peon, my postman
and their kith and kin
or they shall have excuse for a leave,
It's okay even if you don't give,
I am not gonna hire them anyway,
but I don't know why my boss
refused to meet me?
bloody narrow minded coward swine!

Swine flu, Swine flu
everybody wears mask
they all look the same
may do whatever task
Swine flu, an equalizer!
nobody coughs on face
sneezes on shirt
mask takes all the dirt,
will we learn the cough etiquette!
Swine flu, a great teacher!
We may learn hygiene
from this pandemic,
but at what cost,
how many shall fall sick?

Swine Flu, Swine Flu,
when shall you become humane
rather it's easier for humans to be pigs,
we know all the tricks
but may be pigs are more humans
or have humanity
remain together even in dirt
or like lord Shiva
are they divine?
serve as scavengers benign,
even lord Vishnu took
Varha avtaar,
Is this Swine flu another incarnation
to teach us
to remain together in crisis
to teach us what we ought to know,
to give bread and butter
to uncouth news channels
autocratic pharma companies
idle administrators!

Swine Flu, Swine Flu
but better you remember
we will get used to you,
We forgot Hiroshima
we forgot Godhra,
we continue to be corrupt, mean and greedy,
can turn the face away
when some body is bleeding,
unless the genetic code matches,
If you can change us,
I shall change your name
and call you not swine flu
but divine flu,
I shall then thank you
o divine flu!
Swine flu, Swine flu!

हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है -१

कृष्णा : हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है! -

हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है  -१

हे कृष्ण! तुम पर बड़ा भार है,
इस बार, हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!
द्वापर नहीं ये कलयुग है,
विपत्तियों का अम्बार है,
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!

नहीं तुमको सिर्फ गोवर्धन उठाना है,
इस बार तुम्ही को
उसे उगाना है,
किया देवराज ने फिर से प्रहार है,
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!

भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों से मचा
जन-जन में हाहाकार है,
अब तुम ही लगाओ कोई युक्ति
दो चक्र लाओ या दो बांसुरी
अब बस दिलाओ मुक्ति
मस्तक विहीन करो
या अपनी धुन पर
ले जाकर यमुना में दो डुबो,
बचा लो जनता को
जो ये लाचार है,
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!

इस बार तो किया तुम्हें
विशिष्ट लोगों ने भी याद,
कि उदर उनका भरता रहे
पर हाँ! बचे-कुचे टुकड़ों से
खेल भी चलता रहे,
गोप-ग्वाल, शहर-वासियों के साथ
इस बार तुम्हें
कंसों का भी करना उद्धार है,
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है,
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!

कालिया सा डंक है,
पर गिनती इनकी असंख्य है,
दे कर ज्वर-कष्ट भिन्न-भिन्न,
कर रहे शरीर और
व्यवस्था को छिन्न-भिन्न,
नपुंसक हो चुके समाज का
अब तुमको ही करना बेडा पार है
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!

सुदामायों की भीड़ में
चोर भी हैं घुस गए,
गर छांट पाना हो असंभव
तो करो उनका बुद्धि परिवर्तन
करना अब तुमको ही समाधान
किसी प्रकार है
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!

सब अपनी अर्ज़ी लगा रहे
तुम पर बड़ा भार है,
मांगने वालों की तुमसे
एक लम्बी कतार है
मेरी भी विनती सुनो
मेरी भी माँ बीमार है,
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है,
हे कृष्ण तुम पर बड़ा भार है!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

अजीब आदमी

अजीब आदमी 

मेरी माँ का क़त्ल है मेरे सिर पर
और कन्धे पर उसकी लाश,
वो मुझे दुनिया में सबसे अज़ीज़ थी
अब है दुसरे की तलाश,
ज्यों-ज्यों मैं अपनों को
मौत के हवाले करता हूँ
उनसे मेरी मुहब्बत बढ़ जाती है
और जीते-जी
उनकी हर बात से
माथे पे शिकन पड़ जाती है !

ये मेरा परवाह न करना,
मैं सोचता हूँ
विश्वास है उस सर्वशक्तिमान में
जो इस दुनिया को चलाता है
कि सब ठीक होगा,
अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी
कुदरत पर डाल
सोच लेता हूँ
कि  सब ठीक होगा,
ये मेरी खुदगर्ज़ी है या आलस,
अपनों को खोने का डर
भी मुझे झकझोरता नहीं
भुगत चूका हूँ
फिर भी अपना
रास्ता छोड़ता नहीं !

खोद रहा हूँ एक खाई
पर दिखती नहीं इसकी गहराई
जब कोई आवाज़ देता है
तो आँसुओं से भर
तैर कर ऊपर आ जाता हूँ
और दिखा देता हूँ
अपनी चतुराई,
पर ये नकलीपन
छोड़ता नहीं !

क्यों मेरी गर्मजोशी
सिर्फ ग़ैरों के लिए है
और अपनों के लिए
एक बेरुखी, एक उपेक्षा,
ज्यों गैर अपने हो जाते हैं
वो भी अपनों  की भीड़
में खो जाते हैं
और फिर गैरों की तलाश है
और कन्धों पर
फिर अपनों की लाश है !

गैर मुझे अज़ीज़ हैं
पर पराये हो जाते हैं
अपने होने के बाद,
अपने अच्छे लगते हैं
क्यों मुझे खोने के बाद?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

'Past', the sand in my eyes! अतीत की रेत मेरी आँखों में!

अतीत की रेत मेरी आँखों में!

आज पुरानी तस्वीरों में
खुद को ढूंढ रहा हूँ
तस्वीरें वक़्त के साथ
आगे निकल गयीं
मैं अब भी वहीँ खड़ा
मिट्टी खोद रहा हूँ !

अब ये तस्वीरें मुझे
बुलातीं हैं
पर मैं अतीत से निकल
वर्तमान में आने से डरता हूँ !

तस्वीरों में वो ऑंखें
जिन्हे देखकर एहसास होता है
जैसे मैं उन्हें पल भर भी
नहीं भूला,
आज भी वो सारे भाव
एक क्षण में ताज़ा
हो जाते हैं,
उन आँखों का नाम
अब मुझे याद नहीं
पर आज मैं उनसे
आँख नहीं मिला सकता
क्योंकि अब भी
मुझे उनकी परवाह है!
उन आँखों को
तब भी मुझसे
एक उम्मीद थी
और शायद
आज वो मुझे
उस पर खरा उतरा
देखना चाहेंगी!
कैसे मैं बताऊँगा उन्हें
कि मैं कहीं
छूट गया,
कि मैं वो हीरा नहीं
जो वो सोचती थी
कभी निकलेगा,
कैसे मैं बताऊँगा उन्हें
की मैं वो सीपी हूँ
जिससे मोती की
उम्मीद तो थी
पर खाली निकली!
और अब
कोई और आशा नहीं
किसी उम्मीद का छलावा नहीं!

इसीलिए इस अतीत
की रेत से ही
जी बहला लेता हूँ !

शायद उन आँखों
की चमक देखने को
एक और जन्म लेना होगा!!

‘Past’ the sand in my eyes!

Today in the old pictures
I found myself,
with time
photos have overtaken,
While I stood still,
am still digging the sand of past!

Now these pictures,
invite me out of the past,
but I 'm afraid
to come into the present!

Those eyes in the pictures
When I see,
I  realize a moment
I have not forgotten,
all those expressions still fresh,
name of those eyes
I do not remember 
But  today, I can not
See them in eye 
because still I do care about them!

Those eyes may still have a hope 
and perhaps today
I lived up to that 
would like to see! 
How do I tell them 
somewhere that I left,
that am no diamond ,
which they used to think 
it will come,
How I tell them that
am the pearl 
That was in the offing 
But oyster turned empty out! 

And now there is no more hope 
That's why the sand from the past caresses,
Maybe those eyes 
to see them glow
of another will be born !!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Digginess of a merchandiser: a confident mistake

It was our physiology lecture in the first 'prof' of MBBS. Our teacher was one of the most popular ones. It was evident from the fact that though he never took attendance yet the 'lecture theater' was always packed. He not only had a charming personality but his lectures were lucid, crisp with the wonderful notes and the subject was also the most sought after 'cardiovascular system'. We would pay our hundred percent attention to his delivery and never realized how the lecture hour passed.
That particular day he was talking about the function of 'Myocardium'. He started explaining how would a patient present if the function of his heart became sub-optimal. There he told us that a patient may develop 'digginess'. As always, everybody was attentive. Students started looking at each other with a question mark on their faces. We were used to coming across newer terms every day but this one was bit odd. It sounded familiar yet new. As a duty of a sincere student, somebody stood up and asked, "Sir, what does digginess mean?" He said, "Oh! You are not aware of the term. It is when somebody starts feeling that he is not in his full senses, as if he would loose balance if he continued to stand". Now there was a murmur in the class. Another student asked,"Sir, is it giddiness?". He said, "Yes, digginess is similar to giddiness!" and continued with his lecture before another question could be asked. We never came across that term again in English language or medical parlance. 
Later I realized that probably he crossed two terms, giddiness and dizziness and uttered a new amalgamation that sent everybody into a tizzy. It can happen to anyone. Probably, it's because of the way in which our brain processes information when it is presenting it afresh. Teaching requires to process the acquired knowledge to present it in a fresh manner. While teaching, though one is conveying what is known to him, it is being dynamically processed and being presented like a new information. One may have taught a lesson many a times but a new lecture of the same subject is always different because of the dynamic interaction. 
The cross-over or the hybridization may occur, either because the two terms are very similar in their sound and meaning or because what one wants to convey lies in the middle of two well etched words. When two words are similar in their meaning, one may not be aware of the subtle difference in their usage. If they sound similar, it is possible, especially when our brain is not fresh, that they are mixed and a new sound is churned up. Sometimes it happens because of poor vocabulary or a new feeling for which no word has hitherto been engraved in our brain. It may be a mix of two feelings that are well known and have well defined words for them but none for the new one. In fact, it contributes to the evolution of a language. If one looks at it, words like dizzy, giddy, woozy, hazy, dazed, dazzled, puzzled and muddled, all have similar meanings with subtle differences in their usage. If one is little 'tipsy' one may mix them up. As a case for second reason one can take example of the word 'chortle' that may be a remix of 'chuckle' and 'snort'. In fact, the vernacular also evolves like that with terms like faccha (fresher & baccha) that may have originated by mistake. A confident mistake may lead to birth of a new term. In fact an easy formula for inventing a new term is "Knead A and B together till you can pronounce it". 
What happened in the lecture? The professor was mentally busy in thinking of his forthcoming words. He was questioned before he realized what had happened. He reiterated it, while still soaked in the subject rather than the word. By the time, he realized his mistake, he had taken a stand. Had he thought about it, he could have accepted that it was a slip of tongue, though it's never easy in the presence of audience that thinks that you are flawless. There probably occurred a short circuit in his brain.
It is also done by authors and people who have strong hold over the language. They may do it for the sake of novelty or because they feel that there is a need for a new word for that precise situation. The existing words do not justify or convey the sense they want to.
It may be done by people who have poor knowledge of the language. It has happened with me also. I love to coin new words. Only that nobody gives them recognition. I coined a word 'Vibgyored' to convey the sense of 'satrangi' (सतरंगी), that something had been colored in the rainbow colors. However, with social media, it has become very easy to coin new words for nobodies also. 'Selfie' was the new word of the year 2013. Though it is still an infant but has become grandfather of words.
Sometimes the words travel back and forth during their evolution. I once asked my extrovert cousin sister, who is fifteen years younger to me, that what does she do? "Merchandiser", she responded with verve. "And who is that?" I queried. "One who deals in Merchandise", she retorted. "How is that different from 'Merchant'", I exclaimed but was not steadfast and left it there. Thereafter I have heard this word many a times and it appears that it's a more specific usage, though essentially Merchandiser is same as Merchant.
I heard another word today that fascinates me! The orange fruit is called 'santra' (संतरा) in our part of the country and the color is called 'santri'. Sometimes we hear 'narangi' (नारंगी). Is it same color as 'santri' or is there a subtle difference?
It appears that one should keep on learning the language as it shall also keep pace and continue to evolve. The key lies in enjoying it, when it becomes a two-sided affair.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


सुबह सवेरे फिर दोस्तों की याद आई 
सोते हुए कानों में ज्यों कोई फरियाद आई 
मैं भी झट से उठा, चप्पल पहनी, मुँह धोया 
चलने ही लगा था, की पीछे से मेरा चश्मा रोया 
'मुझे भी साथ ले चलो, मैं यहाँ पड़ा-पड़ा क्या देखूं 
क्यों न तुम्हारे साथ मैं भी अपनी आँखें सेकूं' 
मैंने उसे लिया तो सही पर बंद कर कवर में 
जेब में डाला बनस्पत चढाने के अपनी नज़र पे 
बाग़ में पहुंचा तो उजाला तो था 
किसी ने बड़े बेमन से दिन निकाला तो था
पर कुछ कमी थी 
पत्तियों की आँखों में अब भी नमीं थी 
फूल भी सब मुँह लटकाये थे 
इधर-उधर देख रहे, आँखें झुकाये थे 
कंघी भी नहीं की थी 
मुसी हुई सी पंखुड़ियां भी थी 
जहाँ रात को सोयीं वहीँ पड़ी थीं 
एक की बाहें दुसरे की टांगों में अड़ी थीं 
"अरे भाई, सब उदास क्यों हो?"
मैंने अपने दोस्तों की तरफ एक प्रश्न फेंका,
किसी ने जवहायीं तक न ली 
सूरजमुखी ने तो कनखियों से देखा,
"इतना भी नहीं मालूम!", मानो कह रहा हो
जेब में चश्मा भी छटपटा रहा था,
जैसे कितनी यातना सह रहा हो
मैंने उसे आज़ाद किया 
और नज़रों पे आबाद किया,
"ओह! आज सूरज नहीं आया
अरे तुमने पहले क्यों नहीं बताया 
चलो अब हँस के दिखायो 
मेरे आने का तो ईनाम बताओ"
मेरी बात सुन वो हँस पड़े
सूर्यदेव से मेरी तुलना पर मुझसे झगडे 
"सूर्य को दीपक दिखाते हो 
खुद को हमारा दोस्त बताते हो 
तुम तो रोज़ सैर को भी नहीं आते 
ऐसे भुलक्कड़ दोस्त हमें नहीं भाते"
"सूरज न सही
पर तुम्हें अपना दोस्त बनाया तो है  
उपहास को ही सही 
पर तुम्हें हँसाया तो है" 
मेरी बात सुन स्वयं 
सूर्यदेव ने ताली बजायी 
और उनकी किरणें 
उसी क्षण बाग़ में लहराईं 
अब मुझे अपने दोस्तों पे यकीन हो चला था 
आज उनसे मिलने का मौका खूब भला था 
चलो मेरे कारण सब मिल तो लिए 
मुरझाये हुए चेहरे अब खिल तो लिए!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Eastern UP- firsthand

Travelogues are not interesting, hence I am writing few comments that I want to share.
It's my first visit to Eastern UP. Though amethi is nationally known for being Gandhi bastion but it seems, after Rajiv Gandhi, they haven't done much for it. People here speak Awadhi dialect though many a times, it appears to be a mixture of Awadhi and bundelkhandi. However that may be due to my poor understanding of these dialects. Sultanpur is adjacent to amethi, of the Majrooh Sultanpuri fame. However, it is not sultanpur and is sulatanpur, meaning the town of good vines or 'latas'. Rae bareli is another adjacent district. Varanasi and Azamgarh are around 200 kms each from here, faizabad is closer.
I got to see fields of wheat and sarson. They do not appear vast like that of Punjab as they are interspersed with small hamlets. Honestly speaking out of my so many excursions, I first time got to see the difference between a village and a hamlet. Hamlet are called 'Purva' here so there are hamlets like magdhu ka purva, sari ka purva which may also be called pure magdhu or poore sari. Hamlet have households, all of which belong to a single community. Many houses have walls made of mud only. They are made around a feet thick for strength. I had earlier seen walls that had  bricks or straw mixed with mud for making walls but only mud is new for me. Construction of houses is not very artistic or geometrical. However, the doors are ornamental. It appears they buy ready made wooden or metal doors and install them. Most of the hamlets I visited were that of muslim population and green colour paint is predominant. Usually there is one mosque in every hamlet but people do not seem to be very religious. The population generally appears to be poorer than what I have seen in other states. Few people have demolished their katcha house and constructed brick houses, which are usually double storied. Still they do not have any kind of plaster or paint on them, not even any drawings as we get to see on the huts of Bengal. However, the mud houses are very cool, spacious and open with lot of light and ventilation. People generally hang the brooms on the walls.  A household has generally 7-8 members with 5-6 children. Their are joint families also but usually it would be like two quarters in one compound with a common entrance. People rear backyard poultry, goats and cows. Education level is very low though they say that literacy is around 35%.
If one visits a hindu hamlet, grossly it looks the same as the muslim ones but there are differences. The mosque turns into a temple. From far you can recognize it only because of it's conical top, otherwise the same shade of green and the shape of pillars can confuse one. The farm animals are different. One doesn't find hen or goats. One finds buffaloes and cows. Then at the other end of the hamlet there are few houses of harijans and their temple. They make the tools like sickle, axe etc used for farming. Villages and farms seem virgin, untouched by development but yes, every household has mobile phones. People don't appear to be very ambitious, may be because of lack of education. The poorest are labourers in the farms. Those who are educated are mostly into para-governmental systems and society is dependent on them for the effective reach of the governmental policies to reach them. They serve as the connecting link. Those who are good, they do lot of social service, have good clout and make some money also. they have motorbikes for transport, however a petrol pump is only 50 kms away in the district headquarters. I saw some local shops selling loose petrol in cans which these people must be using but cars have to travel 50 kms to get fuel.
I got the first hand experience of what my father used to say that 'rains in this season are very bad for the crops'. I saw fields of unripe wheat destroyed by rain. Few people have harvested their crop before ripening  and trying to mature it in shelters near their houses. I also saw crops of mustard with pods of mustard seeds. Another crop that I saw was that of 'arhar', once harvested and kept it emanates a bad smell. Most of the villagers are small farmers. News reporters are paid meagerly for the news that is accepted. They are more like rumour mongers and reporting is significantly false.
The fruits available here are quite tasty.
People do not seem to have strong cultural rituals, unlike east and south.
There is no district hospital in the district. only a CHC that has facilities for some surgeries.  People go to Lucknow for higher medical care.The road from lucknow to amethi is bad compared to  the usual state of roads in country. There is an industrial area just as you reach amethi. That is exactly what is different. There is a BHEL campus on one side and Indo-gulf on the other. The BHEL campus is like the campuses of other maharatna companies. Once you enter the campus, you forget you are in which state. Clean, wide roads, landscaped gardens, all facilities including clubs, sports school etc are there. We are living in a guest house here only and taking a stroll amidst the beautiful flowers in the morning has a very soothing effect.
On the other side of the road is Indo-gulf campus. The company belongs to Aditya Birla. They make fertilizers here. The campus is better than BHEL. There is a magnificent Birla mandir on the lines of other such temples in the country, reminded me of the one in Jaipur, yet it is unique. One can easily spend few hours here and get refreshed. I was reminded of a magnificent mosque that I had seen in Burhan pur. The narrow filth laden, serpentine by-lanes opened into a huge mosque like an inverse Houdini act. Here also a crowded congested bazaar led to a serene temple. The temple has idols of naked deities on the outer walls of its mandapam. I think the only modern day, north indian temple to be designed like that, that I have seen. It had Ram Darbar in the sanctum sanctorum. That again appeared departure from the routine as I have seen either Lord Vishnu or Radha Krishna in Birla mandirs. But my knowledge is extremely limited. The roof of the gopuram is ordained with stories from Ramayana in the form of statues carved out partially into the stone that is applied.
The factory makes fertilzers and needs huge amount of water to cool its machines. The water is drawn from a well dug in the Gomti river around 40 kms away. That is also a good sight to see. Three pumps draw out the water and send it to a cleaning plant located 400 meters away. Here water is mixed with alum and then deflocculated and further treated. This water is then carried for 40 kms through pipes. Gomti appeared to be a small river, it arises in a lake and merges into Ganga, I think both within UP.


Revenge of the shadow

Revenge of the shadow

Tall, he was
characterized by his height 
forehead like an ocean
pinnacle of glory shining bright
his open arms epitomized magnificence 
wealth flowed down his hair
for his infinite benevolence
all the nature's wealth
he captured
and distributed to those 
in front of him
how well were they nurtured
upon whom he looked
prosperity was bestowed 
like a deity 
he was deservedly adored
those who lived behind 
they were out of sight 
for him, out of mind
leave apart the wealth
they would not get even light
they starved in the cold shadow
their cries, their complaints
fell on a deaf hollow
he said "go and don't return"
but he wished
"only if I could turn!"
To survive, one has to strive
when one is born
one tries to live
till he is alive
so did the shadow
it mustered the courage
the shadow had but didn't know
to live
it put it's life at stake
and didn't know
how ruthless
the courage could make
the shadow scaled him
and crossed over to the fore
everything was there
food, wealth, light
like a golden bird
twinkling bright
the shadow picked up
what it could
and happily returned
to belong where it should
but soon
it was again
empty and cold
no rain
and it crossed over again
and yet again
and again
marauded the golden bird
again and again
and every time it returned
it was only a shadow
it realized it would have to stop being
how into light it had to turn
so it crossed the tall, majestic and cold
Himalaya for the last time
towards the warmer side
and merged with the light
hitherto white
with the shades of shadow
it became vibgyored
like a rainbow!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sushupta & the Prince

Sushupta and the Prince!

Prince of the jungle he was
and big enough to rule 
the other side of the lake.
Yet playful with other animals,
with them friends 
he would make!
His roar was loud
and his gaze intense
but not consternation,                              (Panic)
his arrival would 
bring reassurance!
He would be the king 
He would be the king!

One day he was
bit ill at ease.
Before he could take
his stride would cease!
On lifting his paw
a wound he saw,
"Must have been a thorn
that was not pried!"
and a thyme leaf
the friend applied.
The wound didn't go
all animals tried.

"Other side of the lake,
to the west
the soil there, 
for all ills
it's said to be the best!"
Jungle was his world
without any fear
alone he would roam!
In no time he
reached there.
There was a lull,
the air seemed dull!
He wondered
"Why it's so
stoic here!"

A man, he saw there,
and wondered
what he does here!
But the man started
to tremble with fear
"Don't be petrified,
it is for cure
that I come here,
the soil, they say
has healing power
but am also jocund
having met you.
Humans are known
for their mending hand,
and what's that they
call you"
and he remained quiet!
"Why don't you alleviate
my suffering
or you await
some offering?"
the soil...
the soil is good,
just be here....
surely cure...
it would"
and he fled
as if unwilling
to take the price
but the prince
heed his advice
and resolved
to stay back

He, who is born
to be the king,
his fate may turn
and an unknown future
it may bring,
those whom he trusts
may be the cause
the head may not
get the crown
even if ills
are in the paws!

It was the loudest roar
the zoo had ever heard
but all continued their business
no one was scared!
The prince was inside a cage
devouring anyone was
besides the point,
he couldn't even graze!
In fact that was why
he was being given
his meat supply
but rather than
gormandize the feast,
at the provider
would snarl the beast!
"Why does he have
such a conduct?"
asked the keeper
"Of the inward anger
that is the product"
replied the provider
"Only you could have
go ahead Sushupta,
the beast needs
to be educated"
"I must talk to him
before his anger
is up to the brim!"

The next day
Sushupta approached
the prince
No meat this time
only words
to mince
"why don't
you eat?
" Dare you
the Prince thundered
what to do next
Sushupta wondered!
"First, my helotry you brood
then so kindly
you offer me food"
"Chutzpah, it may sound
but the truth
you haven't found!"
"Only to capture me
was your goal
that's the truth
you perfidious soul!"
"What I did?"
"From where you hid
you watched me
become a prey
Having told me
there to stay"
"Ah! but there
on your own
you came"
"You connived
with my friends
so as to tame,
instead of herbs
poison they used
and made me lame
and ill-advised
to go to lake's west,
a guileless lame prey
in your domain
and the trap
did the rest"

"You won't trust
whatever I may say,
but please eat,
with folded hands
I pray,
Now, that's what is best
for sure
look at the future
forget the yore.
Whenever I come to help
your preclude
your own cause,
you terrorize me
and show me
your fangs & claws!
Next time
to come
I am jittery,
but I want
to help
and that's not
for pity,
I know I must
but for that
you have to trust,
don't maraud yourself
your only hope
I promise, this is
your chance to grope
you trusted me once
do that again,
believe me
I can't see you in pain."

Prince looked
with leery eyes,
Sushupta felt
in vain were
all his tries
but the Prince stopped
growling from thereon
when his meal
would be borne
but it was not Sushupta
the bearer,
the Prince didn't know
had he lost a friend
or had he become

The wound had healed
that of the paw
but is that equally easy
for the hearts to thaw?
The keeper was away
and dawn was breaking the day
Sushupta had awoken
and he made
a bar of the cage look broken,
without a wince
opened the cage door
and told the Prince
"I gave you hope
and it is today
that you must elope.
Go, rule the world,
I have kept my word!"

Was it a relieved sigh
or an indignant cry?
Out came the Prince
and thundered loud!
The Prince said
"Whether you feel proud
or it's your repentance
it's your affection
or to be absolved, a chance
but I suffered because of you
and my anguish
you can not have a clue!'
"You didn't seem
to have faith
but I trusted you
and my senses
that are always true,
whether you devour me now
or are obliged
is up to you"
" I don't care
whether you contrived
to have me bound,
but in my freedom
pinnacle of happiness
I have found,
can't even think of revenge,
am so blissful in liberty,
and dear friend
it's only
because of your audacity,
so thank you
to the sophomore you
and one thing more
that the food was insipid
when not brought by you!"
To the Jungle, the Prince went
where rest of the days
as a King he spent,
Sushupta was awoke,
told the keeper the truth,
how the cage broke
but was too precious
for the keeper to lose
who contemplated
how for another hunt
Sushupta could be of use!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The effect!

I was returning from work bit early that day. Some daylight was still there. The long stretch of road, where I daily struggled with the traffic and traffic signals, seemed like a sea-shore. Some vehicles were there but they felt like company rather than competition. The weather was lovely. My speedometer seemed to be happy about reaching almost my age, it was used to behaving half as much routinely. Our city is quite clean, quiet and green, I realized that day. I was tranquil. It was then that I saw this big orange light from my windshield, as if telling me to stop. I obliged! Even this was looking beautiful. I was blissful. Others seemed to be in a hurry, nobody stopped. The city is in a hurry to catch the day before it nights, and catch the night before it days, I thought. Why can't we just enjoy the days and the nights, the mornings and the evenings, as I was doing at that time? I was enchanted! With time, the light turned red. It was splendid! I was soaked in the charm of the view. I was oblivious! People were honking behind me. I was unfazed and waited for the light to turn. It dissolved but never turned green! Gently, the day had retired in the arms of night! Sun had set, I realized. I apologized with a smile on my face to the people behind me for holding them. I was smiling at my insanity. Nature had exhibited it's wonderful show for me. I was gleeful. My day and night were made!
I had met you that day!!

Me & you!

I was there only
at the square one,
being nice,
talking to everyone,
You came
coyly giggling
"would you like to help me?"
I was tentative,
as though saying
"I don't know"
You gauged it,
"oh! I am having problems
on my way,
can you sort them"
"I have never gone this way,
but, may be I can try"
I said!
We were going together
on your way,
you were telling me,
I was listening!
the bonhomie
was beginning
I felt,
I felt you were enjoying
my annotations,
we just kept walking,
all was well,
I had been anticipating
problems now,
but I couldn't see any,
I hung on
and on
but finally
I asked,
"where's the problem?"
you stopped,
opened your bag
and showed me
a mirror,
"that's the problem!"

and this
has happened every time
I have tried to help,
makes me think
"oh so I am the problem!"
but then
I can't be the solution as well
but somehow
I can't believe it,
I believe
You don't have a problem,
you are the problem!

but still
can't say 'adieu'
that's me
that's me & you!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

An insight

Between me and my insight,
my thoughts are the interface.
A new one, many a times
brings a smile on my face!
Like revelations,
realizations dawn on me,
as if a message of God
in my own words,
like a cloak
bestowed upon me!

I pine to talk to you,
as I know that brings peace to me
the thoughts in disarray
are harmonized
like beads of a rosary

but I wait,
I wait for your call
rather than reaching out to you
I silently follow
because when I approach
if I make the call,
somehow the yoke
is hollow

why this happens
is not known to me,
it fructifies, only when you sprout
why the connection gets made
only when you stretch out

sometimes I wait & wait,
I need to talk to you,
but you don't call,
that's when
to my anguish
I fall,
I get bitter
I writhe in agony
addicted to your remedy

but you won't call
you won't heed
the blame is on you
not on my dependence,
neither my need,
not even on my thought
it is just an interface,
the blame is on you,
my insight,
you are my God!

Do call me sometime,
to establish,
the connection so sublime!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

अशाब्दिक सम्बन्ध

अशाब्दिक सम्बन्ध 

ये नहीं कि मैं अनभिज्ञ था,
भावनायों से तुम्हारी,
किन्तु असंतोष मेरा अधिज्य था,
अकर्मण्यता पर तुम्हारी,
केवल इच्छायें पर्याप्त नहीं होतीं,
मात्र आकांक्षायों से विजय प्राप्त नहीं होती,
उसी प्रकार संबंधों में भी शब्द-प्राण अनिवार्य हैं,
बिना प्रत्यंचा के धनुष में टंकार नहीं होती,
जानता हूँ कि तुम्हारी भावशून्यता में
भावों का अभाव नहीं
किन्तु बिना शब्दों के
भावों का कोई प्रभाव नहीं

 धारणा ऐसी थी मेरी
किन्तु अनायास ही मति मेरी फिरी
अपनी ही एक बात जब कंठ से तुम्हारे सुनी
उस अभिज्ञान से आस्था हो गयी दोगुनी
कितना सुभग ये सम्बन्ध है
व्याख्या की आवश्यकता हो
नहीं ऐसा अनुबंध है
प्रीत को रीत बाध्य नहीं
मूक प्राणियों में भी स्नेह असाध्य नहीं!

आघात या घात का तात्पर्य

 घात - 'घात' शब्द अनेकों रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है! इसका एक सामान्य अर्थ होता है 'छुप कर वार करना'। घात शब्द का गणित में प...