Sunday, September 9, 2012

Educate children, don't just make them qualified

"Never let your schooling interfere with your education". By the time we are capable of understanding that, our schooling is over. It, then, becomes imperative that our parents did understand that, and if not, we understand that as parents!
If we have to grow as a nation, we have to strengthen our education system. We have to use our schools for education and not merely for qualification. To be able to do that, we need to have competent and enthusiastic teachers at the basic level. They, also, must be satisfied!
The burden of improving the attitude and thinking of our future generations lies on our teachers. That is possible only if we have the best people putting in their most for the young impressionable minds. We have to take teaching at primary level seriously. It may appear to be a simple task but that is the crucial time to infuse enthusiasm into the young minds. We have to lure the most talented people to teach. That is possible by making teaching the most lucrative job. It should be the best paid job with incomparable perks. Measures would need to be taken to maintain the level of competence and urge to excel.
This education includes not only academics but all spheres of life. Be it, sports, arts, duties as a citizen, politics, humanity and so on. We experienced an example of this at London Olympics recently. Sportspersons trained by greats like Mahabali Satpal or Pulela Gopi Chand were disappointed with the medals they got. They were aiming higher! Only if we train to be the best, we can be good enough! The ambition is to be the best and that can be inculcated only by the best.
To get the best out of our children, we need to get the best people to mentor them!

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